The Committee considered a report presenting the outcomes of the latest staff survey that had been carried out in June and July 2023 and the actions proposed. A table setting out the headlines from the 2023 staff survey was attached to the report at Appendix 1.
The report explained that the staff survey had been open for four weeks from 19 June to 14 July 2023. It had consisted of 58 questions, plus optional questions about the respondent, for example directorate, ethnicity, age range etc. The questions that had been asked had included new ones that related to equality, diversity and inclusion. There had been 744 responses which had represented 44% of the Council’s workforce. This was a decrease from previous surveys in 2022, 2021 and 2019 where the response rates had been 49%, 58% and 51% respectively. The results were nevertheless statistically valid.
The report detailed positives to maintain/build on, areas for improvement from the comments made, cohort analysis and tables setting out actions and the next steps.
With regard to the cohort analysis, further analysis had been carried out into how different groups had responded and had included looking at protected characteristics, location and ‘group’, for example senior managers. The report summarised feedback in terms of enjoyment of roles, pay, workload, bullying and harassment and opportunities to progress.
Resolved: That the staff survey outcomes and action plan be noted.
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