Agenda item

Review of the Council's Employment Policies


The Committee considered a report presenting two Employment Policies which had been reviewed jointly and agreed with the Joint Trade Unions.  The following documents were attached to the report:

Appendix A

Breast Feeding Policy

Appendix B

Additional Payments Policy

Appendix C

Family Leave Policy

The report explained that the Breast Feeding Policy was new and the Additional Payments Policy and Family Leave Policy had been updated to ensure the content was easily understood and the language was gender neutral.

The report included a table that set out in summary terms for each of the new and revised policies the issues which had been addressed together with additional key changes that had been agreed with the Joint Trade Unions.  Once the policy review was complete, hyperlinks would be added to the policies where they cross-referenced to other policies.

Resolved:     That the following revised HR policies, as set out in in Appendices A, B and C, attached to the report, be approved:

·         Breast Feeding Policy;

·         Additional Payments Policy;

·         Family Leave Policy.

Supporting documents: