Agenda item

BSIP Bus Lanes - Statutory Consultation Results

A report informing the Sub-Committee of the feedback from the Statutory Consultation relating to the six proposed Bus Lanes and asking them to note the results and agree for officers to proceed with the construction of the Bus Lanes, subject to available funding.


Further to Minute 7 of the meeting held on 14 June 2023, the Sub-Committee received a report providing information on the feedback from the Statutory Consultation relating to the six proposed Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) bus lanes.  A Traffic Modelling Summary was attached to the report at Appendix 1, the Bus Lanes that had been consulted on were attached at Appendix 2 and detailed consultation results were attached to the report at Appendix 3.

The report explained that an initial four week informal consultation had taken place from 19 May to 16 June 2023 that sought views on the initial bus lane proposals.  A formal statutory consultation had followed, which had run from 9 November to 7 December 2023 and had included, where possible, scheme design changes following consideration of the informal consultation.  A summary of the statutory consultation results were set out in a table included in the report. 

Examination of the response had identified a large number of responses, 41, from RG1 that had been submitted within a short time frame.  It was assumed that these had been collated from a large group and so had not been discounted.  One of the main areas of feedback had been the use of the bus lanes by private hire vehicles and motorcycles.  Of the 266 responses a total of 50 objections had been directly related to motorcycles not being permitted to use the proposed bus lanes.  Whilst officers were not discounting the comments that had been raised, given that they did not object to the principle of the bus lanes, an alternative version of the results had been presented and had been set out in table in the report. 

Due to the timescales associated with the grant funding of the BSIP schemes. Officers had not brought forward proposals to allow motorcycles, or private hire vehicles, as this would require a full policy review of all bus lanes within the Borough to ensure consistency.  The consultation responses had raised a number of common themes, both positive and negative, and these were set out in the report.

The report stated that a detailed review of the consultation results had been carried out and whilst it had acknowledged the concerns that had been raised by consultees, particularly around the perception of increased congestion, without making significant changes to transport infrastructure and providing suitable transport alternatives, such as mass transit/public transport and Active Travel, car usage would continue to grow, generating greater levels of congestion.  An assessment of each of the schemes had been carried out against key themes to demonstrate the recommendations and were set out in a table in the report.

Inflationary pressures had had a significant impact on the cost of the overall BSIP package since funding had been awarded, therefore whilst the recommendation was to deliver all six schemes this would be kept under review as procurement was carried out and costs were clarified.  The report therefore recommended that the assessment of each of the schemes was used as a basis for prioritising scheme delivery.

In acknowledging the comments that had been received relating to the use of bus lanes by motorcycles, the report proposed that an experimental order should be made for each of the bus lanes subject to the Sub-Committee permitting their use by motorcycles.  Officers were satisfied that collision risks were low and the inclusion of motorcycles in the bus lanes would not have a detrimental impact on bus movements. 

The report explained that officers would carry out a further assessment during the period that the experimental order was in place and would submit a future recommendation to the Sub-Committee on whether the experimental order should be made permanent.  There was currently no intention to permit the use of these bus lanes by any private hire vehicles or by any Taxis unregistered within the Borough.  This would result in an increase in lane usage which might have a detrimental impact on bus movements and reduce the capacity and benefits that were intended by these schemes.

At the invitation of the Chair Peter Seymour, Reading Motorcycle Action Group, addressed the Sub-Committee.

The Sub-Committee discussed the report and agreed by a majority for officers to proceed with the construction of the bus lanes, subject to available funding.

Resolved –

(1)        That the report be noted;

(2)        That the recommendation to construct each of the schemes contained within the report, subject to available funding, be approved;

(3)        That an experimental Traffic Regulation Order, permitting motorcycle access to each of the bus lanes contained within the report be approved;

(4)        That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to approve the proposed traffic restrictions for each of the schemes contained within the report, in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders Procedure (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;

(5)        That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make the Traffic Regulation Order and no public inquiry be held into the proposal.

Supporting documents: