Agenda item

Implementation of Audit Recommendations Tracker

This report sets out a summary of those high and medium risk Internal Audit recommendations which remain outstanding together with an updated management response.


The Committee considered a report setting out a summary of Internal Audit recommendations and updated management responses, which focused on those recommendations where there had been either a ‘limited’ or ‘no assurance’ opinion.  A summary of Internal Audit recommendations and updated management responses since the last Committee was attached to the report at Appendix 1.   


Prior to reporting to Committee, officers responsible for implementing the specific recommendations had been asked to update the audit tracker. Each recommendation had been marked with a percentage complete, which correlated to a red (up to 25%), amber (26%-75%), or green (76%+) rating.  However, any recommendations that were less than 50% complete but had exceeded their agreed completion date had also been markedred.  There were 60 recommendations currently on the tracker, of which 38 were reported as being complete.  Eighteen recommendations had been added to the tracker and nine completed recommendations had been removed since April 2023.


Zelda Wolfle, Assistant Director of Housing & Communities, was present at the meeting and provided reassurance to the Committee about the ongoing management action being taken to address the limited assurance opinion given by Internal Audit and their subsequent recommendations in relation to Housing Repairs.  The recommendations were listed in the Audit Tracker, along with the management response detailing the action being taken. 




(1)            That progress against the audit recommendations for audits assigned a ‘limited’ or ‘no assurance’ opinion, as set out in the Appendix to the report, be noted.


(2)            That the high and medium risk Internal Audit recommendations and the responses to those risks be noted as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;


(3)           That Zelda Wolfle, Assistant Director of Housing & Communities be thanked for her comprehensive update on the progress being made by the Housing Repairs Service to address the Internal Audit recommendations set out in the Audit Tracker, which was appended to the report at Appendix 1.


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