Agenda item

Cyber Security Update


The Committee received a report on Cyber Security, which had been requested at the meeting held on 20 July 2023 (Minute 4 refers), due to a limited assurance opinion by Internal Audit because of weaknesses in the internal configuration of the ICT estate.  Martin Chalmers, Chief Digital and Information Officer, was present at the meeting and provided reassurance to the Committee about the ongoing management action being taken to address the limited assurance opinion and the subsequent recommendations in relation to Cyber Security.  The recommendations were listed in the Audit Tracker (see also Minute 29 above), along with the management response detailing the action being taken.




(1)            That the progress made on, the future plans for, implementing the recommendations of the Internal Audit Report on Cyber Security be noted;


(2)            That the Chief Digital & Information Officer be thanked for attending the Committee and providing a detailed explanation of the action being taken to address the Internal Audit recommendations, which were set out in the Audit Tracker referred to Minute 29 above.


(Exempt information as defined in Paragraph 7)


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