A report providing an overview of complaints, compliments activity and performance for Adult Social Care for the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
The Committee received a report providing an overview of complaints and compliments activity and performance for Adult Social Care for the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. A summary of Adult Social Care Complaints and Compliments 2022/23 was attached to the report at Appendix A.
The report stated that over the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 the service had received 10 corporate complaints, which was a 50% significant decrease compared to the 20 received in 2021/22, and 89 statutory complaints, which was a 4.3% decrease compared to the 93 that had been received in 2021/22. There was also one request for a corporate Stage 2 investigation during the period.
The main themes for the period 2022/23 for both corporate and statutory complaints were:
· Quality of Service Provided
· Staff Conduct
· Communication
Between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023, the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman received five representations from dissatisfied service users for issues relating to Adult Care & Health Services, which was two less than the previous year. Of the five cases, four were investigated and fault found, and one case was assessed and not further investigated. The LGSCO did not issue any formal reports finding maladministration by the Council.
In the year 2022/23, 42 compliments were received in comparison to the previous year when only ten were recorded. Teams complimented by service users included - AMHP and Forensic Team, Adult Safeguarding team, Occupational therapists (OT), D2A team, Review team and the Mental Health Team.
It was noted that information on how to make a complaint was publicised and made available to service users.
(1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the action taken in response to learning from complaints, as described in the summary of Adult Social Care Complaints and Compliments 2022/23, attached at Appendix A to the report, be noted.
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