A report for the Committee to consider a consultation on the School Transport Policy for 2024.
The Committee received a report to consider a proposed consultation on the School Transport Policy for 2024, with changes in the policy aiming to clarify language and promoting the most active travel for Reading pupils.
The policy clarification points included:
· That travel assistance entitlement meant an offer of a bus pass or school bus at a pickup point, with an expectation for active travel as part of a child’s healthy development;
· Clarification of the exceptional circumstances and appropriate evidence required to access any exceptional additional support in addition to travel assistance;
· That parents were liable for costs incurred by Brighter Futures for Children on behalf of Reading Borough Council if children did not access travel assistance provided;
· That students were not entitled to travel assistance post-16 except in appropriately evidenced exceptional circumstances.
The report explained that parents were responsible for ensuring their child attended school. This meant that parents must take all the action necessary to enable their child to attend school. For most, this included making arrangements for their child to travel to and from school. The Statutory Guidance was clear that Local Authorities must make arrangements, free-of-charge, for eligible children to travel to school.
Brighter Futures for Children, on behalf of Reading Borough Council, were wanting to support more children to engage in active travel, as part of a fulfilling childhood helping young people develop and move towards independence. This would include reducing journeys to school by car, by working with families, schools, local communities and transport planners to encourage students to walk or cycle to school or, where this is not feasible, to encourage greater use of public transport.
It was reported that School Transport had been a significant budget and growth pressure in Reading for the past two years. Local Authorities across England were experiencing continued demand and cost pressures regarding school transport and local pressures were in line with national increases in demand and cost increases. These included continued increases in numbers of children with SEND, leading to an increase in the number of children needing transport assistance to school. Including children needing to go further afield to be provided with an appropriate education placement. With these demand and growth pressures action needed to be taken to make savings across the School Transport budget.
It is proposed to consult on the School Transport Policy for 2024 to help deliver savings and to promote the most active and independent forms of travel, increasing and promoting independence for young people on their journey to adulthood and independent living, in line with the Council’s policies and strategic aims to promote independence.
It was noted that following the consultation a report would be provided to ACE Committee with the results of the consultation and to then consider approval of a revised School Transport policy.
Resolved -
(1) That consultation on School Transport policy clarification be agreed, as follows:
· Clarification of the exceptional circumstances and appropriate evidence required to access any exceptional additional support in addition to travel assistance;
· That parents were liable for costs incurred by Brighter Futures for Children on behalf of Reading Borough Council if children did not access travel assistance provided;
· That students were not entitled to travel assistance post-16 except in appropriately evidenced exceptional circumstances.
(2) That the format and process of consultation be delegated to the Executive Director, Children’s Services, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Children’s Services and the Lead Councillor for Education and Public Health.
(Councillor Davies declared an interest in the item and left the meeting as a close family member received Home to School Transport provision.)
(Councillor Cresswell declared an interest in item 11 relating to working with children in the alternative provision education sector that use the service, but did not leave the meeting.)
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