Agenda item

Brighter Futures for Children Ltd – Appointment of Director

This report asks the Committee, in its capacity as sole member of Brighter Futures for Children Limited, to make an appointment to the Board of Directors.


The Committee, acting in its capacity as sole member of Brighter Futures for Children Limited (BFfC), considered a report on the appointment of a Director to the BFfC Board.


The report noted that, at the meeting held on 20 February 2023 (Minute 56 refers), the Council had appointed Mike Graham, Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services, as the Council-Nominated Director of BFfC.  It had been expected that this arrangement would last until the Council had appointed a new Executive Director of Adult Health and Care Services.  Since that time, the Council had restructured and created the Directorate of Communities and Adult Social Care.  The expanded role and responsibilities of the new Executive Director meant that it was inappropriate to appoint the post holder to the Board of BFfC at this time.


The report explained that the Council had therefore, with the agreement of the BFfC Board, approached the former Executive Director of Adult Health and Care Services, Seona Douglas, to resume her role as the Council-Nominated Director which she had been previously appointed to from 2018-2022.  The Committee were asked to approve the appointment and waive the requirement in the Articles of Association that the Council-Nominated Director be an officer of the Council.


The report also set out the current composition of the Board and noted that Calvin Pike would retire as a Non-Executive Director on 25 January 2024.


Resolved –


(1)       That Seona Douglas be appointed as the Council-Nominated Director for Brighter Futures for Children Limited from 1 January 2024 to 1 January 2025;


(2)       That the Chief Executive be delegated to finalise the terms and conditions of appointment;


(3)       That the requirement in the Articles of Association that the Council-Nominated Director be an officer of the Council be waived;


(4)       That the retirement of Calvin Pike as Director be noted.

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