This report sets out progress in delivering the Tackling Inequality Strategy objectives and proposals for two Place Based pilot projects to be extended.
Further to Minute 48 of the meeting held on 23 January 2023 the Committee received a report giving an update on progress of implementing the Tackling Inequality Strategy. Attached to the report at Appendix 1 was a Tackling Inequality Strategy Action Plan Update and at Appendix 2 a map showing Local Community Assets within Whitley & Church Wards.
The report noted that the Tackling Inequality Strategy 2023 – 2026 outlined how the Council could go beyond its existing activities and strategies to achieve a more consistent quality of life for residents in all areas of the Borough. The key focus of the strategy was to support residents to become more resilient, building on a foundation of educational attainment, strong skills and practical knowledge that enabled them to realise their potential through accessing suitable employment opportunities. Within the first year of the new strategy, the Council had worked with Brighter Futures for Children, New Directions College, and the Reading Economic Destination Agency (REDA) to deliver a broad range of activities to support Reading residents with the skills and learning to improve their financial resilience.
The report explained that the Strategy was being delivered through a targeted place-based approach to address the underlying determinants of deprivation within the Borough that adversely affected Education, Skills, and Training. This place-based work had commenced in Church and Whitley wards, identifying a broad range of opportunities to improve residents’ individual and collective quality of life. To enable the maximum benefit from the resources committed to the programme it was proposed to request to reprofile the expected spend on the allocated budget, in order to extend the delivery of the pilots into 2025/26 within the existing approved resources.
Resolved –
That the progress in delivering the Tackling Inequality Strategy objectives and the intention to extend the two Place Based pilot projects and request to reprofile the budget as part of year end processes be noted.
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