Agenda item

Review of the Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles

Report by Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services



Further to Minute 6 of the Licensing Applications Committee held on 1 February 2022, the Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhoods submitted a report on a revision to the Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles.  The minor change would be to refer to the new section about gambling premises in the proposed update to the Local Area Plan. This would help ensure that the Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles and the Local Area Plan remained aligned and cross-reference readers to both policies.  The amendment was being made now as the update to the Local Area Plan had not been made when the latest three-year Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles had been approved in February 2022.  A copy of the full Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles 2022-25 was appended to the report for approval.

The following motion was moved by Councillor Rowland and seconded by Councillor Woodward and CARRIED:

Resolved –

(1)        That the updated Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles 2022-25 be approved, as attached to the report at Appendix 1;

(2)        That the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport & Public Protection Services be authorised to make minor amendments to the Statement.

Supporting documents: