Agenda item

Brighter Futures for Children - Appointment of External Auditors

This report seeks approval from the Committee, in its capacity as sole member for Brighter Futures for Children Limited (BFfC), for the appointment of Buzzacot LPP as external auditors for BFfC.


The Committee considered a report, in its capacity as sole member for Brighter Futures for Children Limited (BFfC), seeking approval for the appointment of Buzzacott LPP as the new external auditor for BFfC.


The report explained that BFfC had conducted a procurement process to appoint a new audit firm and following a careful selection process of written bids and presentations, a selection panel recommended to the BFfC Board that Buzzacott LLP be appointed as the new external audit firm for BFfC.  The BFfC Board had approved the recommended appointment at their meeting on 21 December 2023.


The report noted that the appointment of external auditors was a “Reserved Matter” within the Articles of Association agreed between the Company and Council, and therefore sought the Committee’s formal approval of the appointment of Buzzacott LLP as the Company’s new external auditors.


Resolved –


That the appointment of the new external audit firm, Buzzacott LLP, as Brighter Futures for Children’s external auditor for an initial term of two years, commencing as soon as possible and covering the 2023/24 and 2024/25 financial statements, be approved.

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