Agenda item

Station Hill - Alterations to Existing Restrictions on Friar Street and Garrard Street - Results of Statutory Consultation

A report informing the Sub-Committee of objections resulting from the statutory consultation for the proposals that were agreed at the March 2023 meeting of the Sub-Committee on alterations to the existing restrictions on Friar Street and Gerrard Street.


Further to Minute 51 of the meeting held on 2 March 2023, the Sub-Committee received a report providing information on the objections that had resulted from the statutory consultation on alterations to existing restrictions on Friar Street and Gerrard Street.  Copies of the scheme drawings were attached to the report at Appendices 1 to 3 and a copy of the Station Hill Objection Report was attached to the report at Appendix 4.

The report explained that although the highway layout had been agreed through the planning process alterations to the surrounding Traffic Regulation Orders was required.  The alterations proposed included the provision of shared taxi/loading bays on Friar Street, increasing the existing capacity as well as the introduction of a loading bay and the repositioning and increase of existing pay and display bays on Gerrard Street.  The developer was carrying out the works required through the S278 Highway Works Agreement. 

Resolved –

(1)        That the report be noted;

(2)        That the having considered the objections in Appendix 2 attached to the report the proposals be implemented;

(3)        That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to seal the resultant Traffic Regulation Order;

(4)        That respondents to the statutory consultation be informed of the decisions of the Sub-Committee accordingly, following publication of the agreed minutes of the meeting;

(5)        That the Highways and Traffic Services Manager, in agreement with the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport and Ward Councillors, be authorised to make minor alterations to the proposals as might be necessary;

(6)        That no public inquiry be held into the proposals.

Supporting documents: