Proposal Erection of Temporary Modular Community Centre for a period of three years.
Recommendation Application Permitted
Erection of Temporary Modular Community Centre for a period of three years.
The Committee considered a report on the above application. An update report was tabled at the meeting which set out an explanation of the requirement for a temporary modular building and information on amended plans for disabled parking submitted by the applicant. It was reported at the meeting that additional conditions were recommended to make provision for ecological mitigation and to require that no external lighting be installed without the prior agreement of the planning authority.
Resolved –
(1) That, subject to no substantive objections being raised before the end of the consultation process on 3 April 2024, the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection Services be authorised, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, to grant temporary (three years) planning permission for application 240226/REG3;
(2) That planning permission be subject to conditions and informatives as recommended in the original report, with the additional conditions proposed at the meeting regarding ecological mitigation and external lighting.
(Councillor Leng declared a prejudicial interest in this item on the grounds of predetermination, as he had promoted the scheme as a local Ward Councillor. He left the meeting and took no part in the debate or decision.)
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