Agenda item

Suspension of Standing Order 7 - Motions which Need to be Submitted in Writing before the Meeting

Councillor Brock to move:


That pursuant to Standing Order 26, Standing Order 7 be suspended to remove the requirement for a councillor to submit a motion to the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services at least six clear working days before the Council meeting in order to allow an emergency motion to be moved entitled ‘Solidarity with Black Women Councillors’.


Pursuant to Standing Order 26, the following motion was moved by Councillor Brock and seconded by Councillor Terry and CARRIED:

Resolved –

That pursuant to Standing Order 26, Standing Order 7 be suspended to remove the requirement for a councillor to submit a motion to the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services at least six clear working days before the Council meeting in order to allow an emergency motion to be moved entitled ‘Solidarity with Black Women Councillors’.