Councillor Terry to move:
This Council supports the widespread condemnation of the racist and misogynistic statements made about Diane Abbott and all Black women.
The reference to shooting an MP has left all women in public life vulnerable to both verbal and physical attack. Given the murders of two MPs in recent years this is an abhorrent attack on all people in public life but particularly Black Women.
Racism, discrimination, and misogyny should not be tolerated in our society. We need more Black women and people from Black, Asian, and other minority communities in public life.
This council stand in solidarity with all Black women in public service, particularly the 3 Black women Reading Borough Councillors and will continue to speak out against racism and discrimination as it impacts our communities, people, and society.
The following motion was moved by Councillor Terry and seconded by Councillor Griffith and CARRIED:
Resolved –
This Council supports the widespread condemnation of the racist and misogynistic statements made about Diane Abbott and all Black women.
The reference to shooting an MP has left all women in public life vulnerable to both verbal and physical attack. Given the murders of two MPs in recent years this is an abhorrent attack on all people in public life but particularly Black Women.
Racism, discrimination, and misogyny should not be tolerated in our society. We need more Black women and people from Black, Asian, and other minority communities in public life.
This council stands in solidarity with all Black women in public service, particularly the 3 Black women Reading Borough Councillors and will continue to speak out against racism and discrimination as it impacts our communities, people, and society.