Agenda item

181899/FUL - Leighton Park School, Shinfield Road


Erection of two storey sports facility with external viewing gallery and associated parking 


Permitted subject to Legal Agreement



Erection of two storey sports facility with external viewing gallery and associated parking.

The Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application. 

Comments were received and considered.

Resolved -

(1)      That the Head of Planning, Development and Regulatory Services be authorised to grant planning permission, subject to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement by 30 May 2019 (unless a later date be agreed by the Head of Planning, Development and Regulatory Services), to secure the Heads of Terms set out in the report;

(2)      That, in the event of the requirements set out not being met, the Head of Planning, Development and Regulatory Services be authorised to refuse permission;

(3)      That planning permission be subject to the conditions and informatives recommended in the report.

Supporting documents: