Agenda item

Proposals for a Pedestrian Crossing and School Keep Clear Markings - Richfield Avenue

A report seeking the Sub-Committee’s approval for officers to undertake statutory consultation/notice processes necessary to progress the Tiger Crossing and parking restriction alteration elements of the scheme for a pedestrian crossing and school Keep Clear markings on Richfield Avenue.


The Sub-Committee received a report that sought approval for officers to carry out statutory consultation/notice processes necessary to progress the Tiger Crossing and parking restriction alteration elements of the scheme for a pedestrian crossing and school keep clear markings on Richfield Avenue.  The scheme design was attached to the report at Appendix 1.

The report explained that in July 2022 planning consent had been granted for the construction of a new secondary school on Richfield Avenue to be known as River Academy School.  As part of this planning permission pedestrian and cycle improvements were secured along Richfield Avenue including widening of the existing footway/cycleway on the western/northern side and the creation of a footway/cycleway on the eastern/southern side.  In addition to this a Tiger Crossing was to be provided to aid school children and the wider public cross Richfield Avenue along with alterations to the parking restrictions along Richfield Avenue to facilitate the crossing.  The crossing would also provide a pedestrian and cycle link to Rivermead Leisure Centre from the west.  The introduction of School Keep Clear markings were also proposed and would be located in two separate areas, one being adjacent to the pedestrian entrance to the school and the other by the vehicular access.  These Highway works were being carried out by the Department for Education as part of the school development and would be included within a S278 Highway Works Agreement.

Should any objections be received during the statutory consultation periods they would be submitted to a future meeting and if no objections were received it was recommended that the scheme(s) be considered as approved.

Resolved –

(1)       That the report be noted;

(2)       That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to undertake statutory consultation/notification processes for the proposed Tiger crossing on Richfield Avenue, in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;

(3)       That the Highways and Traffic Services Manager, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport, be granted authority to make minor alterations to the agreed proposals;

(4)       That subject to no objections being received the scheme be considered as agreed for implementation enabling delivery planning to commence;

(5)       That should a scheme receive objection(s) during the statutory consultation period, that these be submitted to a future meeting for consideration and decision regarding scheme implementation.

(Councillor Barnett-Ward declared an interest in the above item on the grounds that one of her children would be attending the River Academy School in September 2024)

Supporting documents: