Agenda item

Exbourne Road School Street Scheme

A report seeking the Sub-Committee’s approval to make an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for the implementation of a School Street scheme on Exbourne Road serving Geoffrey Field Junior School, Geoffrey Field Infant School and Christ the King Roman Catholic Primary School.


The Sub-Committee received a report that sought approval to make an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for the implementation of a School Street Scheme on Exbourne Road.  This would serve three schools, Geoffrey Field Junior School, Geoffrey Field Infant School and Christ the King Roman Catholic Primary School, with over 950 children attending all three schools.  A copy of the Exbourne Road School Street Traffic Management Plan was attached to the report at Appendix 1.  The report also provided the Sub-Committee with an update on the Civitas School Street Scheme.

The report explained that in 2023 Transport Officers had met with the Head Teachers of the three schools to discuss the travel and transport issues that the schools were experiencing.  The prospect of a school street scheme on Exbourne Road had been discussed and following the meeting there had been further engagement with the schools including with Reading’s Active Travel Officer.  In January 2024 the schools had carried out an informal consultation with parents and local residents who would be affected by the school street closure on Exbourne Road.  The consultation had run for three weeks, as per the Council’s guidance, and the results were outlined in the report.  A School Street application was then submitted to the Council in February 2024. 

The proposal was for the closure of Exbourne Road to all but eligible vehicles immediately at its entrance from the roundabout with Blandford Road and Meadowcroft Road.  The closure would be from this point for the full length of Exbourne Road which was a cul-de-sac and had no other vehicle access points.  Apart from the school the only properties that would be affected within the closure area would be four residential properties in Exbourne Road and the residents of Rossington Place.  Under the terms of the Council’s school street scheme vehicles at these properties would retain access under the eligible vehicle category.  The proposed time of the road closure for the School Street would be 8.20 am to 9.05 am for morning drop-off and 2.50 pm to 3.30 pm for afternoon pick-up, Monday to Friday during term time only. 

The report explained that officers had assessed the application including carrying out site visits during both drop-off and pick-up periods on the proposed school street and neighbouring streets, to determine the current baseline usage of the streets.  From observations Transport Officers had agreed with the road safety issues that had been reported from the school and had also been cited in the responses to the consultation.  Based on officers’ observations and assessments it had been determined that there was adequate capacity on the highway network surrounding the area to accommodate displace vehicles. 

As with all school streets the success of the scheme would be dependent on the school leadership team working with parents and carers to promote active travel and, where travel by car was necessary, appropriate locations in the surrounding network would be promoted and considerate parking behaviour would be observed.  A Stage 1 and 2 Road Safety Audit had been carried out by an independent road safety auditor on the proposed School Street with no safety concerns having been identified and there was strong support from the school’s leadership and senior management team for this scheme.

Finally, the report stated that officers had continued to work with the Head Teacher of Civitas School and the school street scheme was expected to launch on 24 June 2024, subject to the signage being delivered and installed and all other measures being in place.  Further to these discussions the Head Teacher had requested a five minute extension to the school street duration in the afternoon, with the restrictions commencing from 2.50pm.  Officers supported this request and did not envisage it having an adverse impact and would further support the aims of the school street. 

Resolved –

(1)       That the report be noted;

(2)       That the making of an experimental School Street on Exbourne Road, Reading be approved;

(3)       That in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport, officers be authorised to make minor amends to the scheme, prior to and during the operational period of the school street;

(4)       That in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy & Transport and Ward Councillors, the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make the appropriate (experimental) traffic regulation order for the proposed School Street on Exbourne Road in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;

(5)       That the commencement of a six-month statutory consultation from the commencement of the experimental scheme be approved;

(6)       That subject to no objections being received during the statutory consultation period, the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make the experimental order;

(7)       That in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport, officers be authorised to make minor amends to the Civitas School Street Scheme, prior to and during the operational period of the school street.

Supporting documents: