The Committee will consider the Joint All Age Carers Strategy and Carers Action Plan to deliver the Strategy.
The Committee received a report on the Joint All Age Caters Strategy for Reading. A copy of the Strategy and appendices, including the Action Plan, were attached to the report.
The report explained the development of the Strategy including a needs assessment exercise carried out by the Carer’s Steering Group over the summer of 2023. Two separate surveys had been undertaken, one for carers over 18 years and one for young carers under 18 years. The survey collected 147 responses from carers across the borough.
Four focus groups were also undertaken during this time, with 44 carers sharing their experiences in this way. These focus groups took place at the Dementia Carers Support Group run by Age UK Reading; a coffee morning at the Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality (ACRE); the Whitley Wood Over 50s Lunch Club and the Coley Park Over 50s Lunch Club. In addition to the focus groups for adult carers, young carers were supported to take part in this piece of work by Brighter Futures for Children. Specifically, the early help teams who supported young carers and delivered a range of young carer’s clubs. The team used the young carer’s clubs to have informal discussions with young carer’s attending.
The needs assessment surveys and focus group questions were co-designed with members of the Carer’s Steering Group, including Carer Leads from Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust and Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust, Reading and West Berkshire Carer Partnership, Brighter Futures for Children and Adult Social Care/Reading Borough Council. Different methods of engagement were used throughout the survey period to ensure views were captured from as wide range of Carers as possible.
It was noted that key engagement partners for the Strategy included Reading & West Berkshire Carer’s Partnership, Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust, Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust, Brighter Futures for Children, Berkshire West, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Integrated Care Board, Healthwatch Reading, Compass Recover College, GLL – Better Reading, Reading Borough Council, partnership Forums and wider voluntary sector partners.
The Carer’s Steering Group formed a Working Group to use the insight gathered during this exercise to inform and develop the Joint All Age Carer’s Strategy and Action Plan. 2024-2027.
The 5 key strategic priorities for the Strategy were as follows and would be the focus for the Action Plan for the next 3 years. Where priorities talked about carers, this included carers of all ages:
Priority 1: Identifying carers and promoting carer’s rights;
Priority 2: Supporting and recognising carers;
Priority 3: Maximising carer’s voice;
Priority 4: Ensuring culturally competent support is available locally, including carers breaks and crisis support;
Priority 5: Supporting carers with employment and learning.
The Chair of the Carers Steering Group, Dayna White, Neighbourhood and Partnerships Manager, together with partners from the Steering Group provided the Committee with detailed information on the Strategy and key actions arising from the strategic priorities.
It was noted that the Strategy and associated Action Plan would be driven by the Carer’s Steering Group and would be publicly accountable to the Health and Wellbeing Board with progress reporting once every quarter.
The Committee requested an update be provided at the ACE meeting in January.
It was also noted that it was Carers Week, and the Committee congratulated officers and partners on the Strategy and celebrated all the work of carers.
Resolved –
(1) That the Joint All Age Carer’s Strategy for Reading be endorsed and adopted.
(2) That the Carers Action Plan to deliver the Joint All Age Carer’s Strategy for Reading be endorsed and its associated resources be agreed.
(3) That an update on the Joint All Age Carer’s Strategy be provided to the Committee in January.
Supporting documents: