A report updating the Committee on the progress of 2024/2025 Highway Maintenance Capital Investment Programme, the progress of year 1 & 2 (2023/24 & 2024/25) of the additional DfT Road Resurfacing Fund Allocation for Reading, the National Highways Capital Grant award of £250k for Reading Borough Council for 2023/24 plus the additional award of £250k for 2024/25 to maintain the M4 strategic diversion route between Junction 11/M4 and Junction 12/M4 and to provide scheme approval for officers to implement the works as set out in Appendix 1.
Further to Minute 22 of the meeting held on 21 February 2024, the Committee considered a report that provided updates on:
· Progress of the 2024/2025 Highway Maintenance Capital Investment Programme as set out in Appendix 1;
· Progress of Year 1 & 2 (2023/24 & 2024/25) of the additional DfT Road Resurfacing Fund Allocation for Reading of £7.726M following the reallocation of High-Speed Rail (HS2) budget for the period 2023/24 to 2033/34 as set out in Appendix 1;
· The National Highways Capital Grant award of £250k for Reading Borough Council for 2023/24 to maintain the M4 strategic diversion route between Junction 11/M4 and Junction 12/M4 and to provide scheme approval for officers to implement the works as set out in Appendix 1.
· The additional National Highways Capital Grant Award of £250k for Reading Borough Council for 2024/25 to maintain the M4 strategic diversion route between Junction 11/M4 and Junction 12/M4 and to provide scheme approval for officers to implement the works to be agreed with National Highways.
Appendix1 to the report set out details of road and provisional footway resurfacing works to be undertaken during 2024-25.
Resolved -
(1) That the progress of the 2024/25 Highway Maintenance Capital Investment Programme for Carriageways and Bridges be noted;
(2) That the progress of the 2023/2024 additional DfT Road Resurfacing Fund Allocation for Reading of £7.726M following the reallocation of High-Speed Rail (HS2) funding be noted;
(3) That the progress of the National Highways Capital Grant Award of £250k for Reading Borough Council during 2023/24 and a further £250k Grant award for 2024/25 to maintain the M4 strategic diversion route through Reading between Junction 11/M4 and Junction 12/M4 and scheme approval to implement the proposed works be noted.
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