This report updates the Sub-Committee on the outline programme of works to implement the approved Landscape Plan and seeks approval to appoint contractors to carry out the works.
Further to Minute 9 of the Sub-Committee’s meeting on 22 October 2018, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report updating the Sub-Committee on the outline programme of works to implement the approved Landscape Master Plan scheme and other related matters. The following documents were attached to the report:
· Appendix 1 - Approved landscape plan
· Appendix 2 - Community Use Agreement
The report explained that changes to the landscape plan had been agreed by members of the Sub-Committee and that the plan had been submitted for planning approval on 11 February 2019, with planning permission granted on 16 April 2019. A summary of the approved landscape plan was attached to the report as Appendix 1. The report also set out information on a planning application by the tennis club.
The report explained that the majority of landscape works had been procured and set out costs which had been assessed and verified by the external cost consultant, and were within the approved funding allowance. Approval was sought to appoint Agripower Ltd to carry out the largest element of works: the drained sports pitch terrace to the eastern side of the playing fields and the new children’s play area. The cost of these works included £105k of provision for importing topsoil as a contingency to meet Sport England quality standards. It was also proposed that RBC Parks be appointed to carry out the smaller element of works procured including the footpaths with associated furniture and lights, trim trail, trees, and Hewett Avenue boundary fencing. The proposed small overflow parking area to the north of the new school and adjacent to the existing community car park was yet to be procured.
The report noted that it was intended to implement the landscape plan in phases, to factor in weather conditions and the need to provide improved sports pitches by the start of the 2020 football season. The outline programme, which was summarised in the report, would be heavily dependent on suitable weather conditions and agreement with the Department for Education contractor on maintaining access through the MPF community carpark into the playing fields. Contingency plans were being developed if access through the car park became problematic.
The report also gave an update on the school development and explained that Kier had been appointed by the DfE to undertake pre-commencement works to prepare the site for the school. This included additional ground investigation works within the school site and community carpark to inform their design. Kier were intending to start on site in June 2019 with the aim of opening the school by September 2020. It was proposed to explore letting the area identified as the overflow car park to the DfE/Kier to be used a site compound/car parking, on the basis that they would undertake groundworks to prepare the area as the overflow carpark in the future. The report also explained that the Community Use Agreement had been completed between the Council and Heights School, which included timings for public use of the multi-use games area, school hall and School car park. The Agreement was attached to the report at Appendix 2.
Resolved –
(1) That the outline programme for the landscape plan, DfE works to the Mapledurham Playing Fields community car park, financial breakdown of the funds including the budget for the pavilion refurbishment, and the tennis club planning application be noted;
(2) That the Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services and the Assistant Director of Economic & Cultural Development be authorised to appoint Agripower Ltd for a contract sum of £681,815 and RBC Parks for a contract sum of £191,869 to carry out the works to implement the approved landscape plan;
(3) That the contents of the Community Use Agreement attached to the report at Appendix 2 be noted.
Supporting documents: