Agenda item

Autism Strategy Year 2 Action Plan Update

The Committee will receive a report providing an update of the progress Year 2 (2023/24) All Age Autism Strategy Action Plan across Reading.


The Committee received a report providing an update on the progress of the Year 2 (2023/24) All Age Autism Action Plan.  The following documents were appended to the report:


Appendix 1 - All Age Autism Strategy for Reading 2022 to 2026

Appendix 2 - Autism Action Plan – Year 2 2023/24

Appendix 3 - Reading All Age Autism Strategy Priorities

Appendix 4 - The Equality Impact Assessment


The report explained that the Reading All Age Autism Strategy and its associated Action Plan had been developed and delivered by the Reading Partnership Board.  The Board reported directly into the Health and Wellbeing Board to ensure the strategy remained a priority and owned by all partner agencies. It was noted that the Partnership Board had presentation from the following agencies:


·         RBC Adult Social Care (Chair)

·         Reading Families Forum

·         BOB Integrated Care Board

·         Brighter Futures for Children (Operational and Commissioning representatives)

·         Adults Commissioning & Contracts

·         Autism Berkshire

·         Royal Berkshire Hospital

·         Thames Valley Police


The report provided information on progress Partner agencies had made in delivering Year 2 of the All Age Autism Strategy. Some of the key developments included autism training, early years support, transitions to adulthood, employment support, healthcare support, support living accommodation, criminal justice support, and carers and family support. 


The areas of work outstanding were planned to be undertaken in the next two years; these were outlined in Appendix 3 as attached to the report.


Resolved –    That the progress of the Year 2 (2023/24) All Age Autism Strategy Action Plan be noted.

Supporting documents: