The Committee will consider a report on the Parkside House Block Contract.
The Committee received a report seeking to obtain delegated authority for the Executive Director for Communities & Adult Social Care to make annual decisions about the running of, and changes to, the Parkside House block contract, without the need to submit variation reports through to Committee.
The report explained that the Parkside House block contract was a 24-year contract with a lifetime value of £28,731,500. Recent changes to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules required the total value of a contract to be considered when any variation was made to the contract, and approval of any variation needed to be authorised in accordance with the Tender Acceptance levels set out in the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules. The value of this particular contract was such that a Committee decision would be required for any variation due to the high contract value. A formal decision of Committee, or an Executive Director with an authority delegated specifically by a formal decision of Committee were the only officers or bodies able to authorise a variation for a contract like this one, with a value in excess of £500,001 per annum.
It was noted that as the Council generally requested annual variations of the Provider, to ensure that the service met the changing needs of Reading residents, delegated authority for the Executive Director to make these decisions was being sought.
Resolved - That the Executive Director of Communities & Adult Social Care Services be granted delegated authority to make variations to the Parkside House nursing block contract, where the variations had a value less than the Council’s criteria for a key decision but where income or expenditure exceeded £500,001 per annum.
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