Agenda item

Ofsted Inspection of Reading's Local Authority Children's Services (ILACS)

The Committee will receive a report on the Ofsted Inspection of Reading’s Local Authority Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report that provided information on the Ofsted Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services (ILACS). A copy of the Ofsted Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services Report was attached to the report at Appendix 1.


The report explained that Reading’s children’s services were last inspected, as Brighter Futures for Children, in September 2019 and upgraded from inadequate (in 2016) to ‘requires improvement to be good’.  In April 2024 the Council’s Children’s Services, delivered by Brighter Futures for Children, were inspected over three weeks, the first week being offsite and the second two weeks on site at the Civic Offices and other sites in Reading.


It was reported that the inspectors:


  • Focused on social workers’ direct practice with families by scrutinising and discussing a sample of children’s records.
  • Held discussions with practitioners working with children – this included social workers, family help workers, reviewing officers, managers and education staff. 
  • Met with children, young people, care leavers, parents and carers including foster carers and adopters.
  • Met with leaders and managers across the Council, Brighter Futures for Children and other partner agencies to understand how we work together to safeguard children.


The final report was published on 12 July 2024 with the following judgements:



2024 Grade

2019 Grade

Overall effectiveness

Requires Improvement to be Good

Requires Improvement to be Good

The experiences and progress of children who need help and protection

Requires Improvement to be Good

Requires Improvement to be Good

The experiences and progress of children in care


Requires Improvement to be Good

The experiences and progress of care leavers


Not a separate grade in the 2019 inspection framework

The impact of leaders on social work practice with children and families

Requires Improvement to be Good

Requires Improvement to be Good


The report set out several strengths and areas for improvement.  At the time of the inspection work was, and remained, underway to build on strengths and address areas of improvement through the delivery of Brighter Futures for Children’s Continuous Improvement Plan and Transformation Programme.  The report noted that ‘the transformation plan addresses the right priorities and there is a clear vision for the delivery of services.  Some progress is already evident and senior leaders have a good understanding of the improvements that have yet to be achieved.’


An action plan in response to the recommendations was required to be submitted to Ofsted by 21 October 2024.


Resolved –


(1)          That the ILACS report be noted;


(2)          That the actions taken to date be noted;


(3)               That the Executive Director for Children’s Services be given delegated authority to submit the required action plan to Ofsted in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Children’s Services and Chief Executive of the Council, be approved.

Supporting documents: