Agenda item

School Transport Assistance Policy 2025-2026

A report to consider the School Transport Assistance Policy 2024-2026, including changes to Chiltern Edge School Transport arrangements.


The Committee received a report providing details of Readings School Transport Policy 2024-2026, which was attached as Appendix 1 to the report. 


Following reports that had been considered at the ACE Committee meeting in January 2024 relating to the published School Transport Policy, several proposed changes to the Policy were agreed to be consulted on as follows:


·         That a consultation on School Transport policy changes to remove free transport entitlement for pupils attending Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge School and to change current transport arrangements be undertaken.

·         That consultation on School Transport policy clarification be undertaken, as follows:

o   Travel assistance entitlement means an offer of a bus pass or school bus at a pickup point, with an expectation for active travel as part of a child’s healthy development;

o   Clarification of the exceptional circumstances and appropriate evidence required to access any exceptional additional support in addition to travel assistance;

o   That parents were liable for costs incurred by Brighter Futures for Children on behalf of Reading Borough Council if children did not access travel assistance provided;

o   That students were not entitled to travel assistance post-16 except in appropriately evidenced exceptional circumstances.


The formal consultation had taken place during February and had closed on 30 March 2024 and 120 individual responses had been received from parents and pupils.  Engagement sessions were held with parents of pupils at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge, Reading Families Forum and Special United (Reading’s forum for young people with SEND). The results of the 2024 secondary admission round had also informed the impact assessment and provided the levels of interest in Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge school.


The report provided information on several issues that were identified from the consultation and explained that consideration had been given to students who did have the option to move to the River Academy from September 2024; those who might not wish to take up the option (particularly those with exams coming up); and parents who might have been unaware of the proposed changes at the point of selecting a school.


It was noted that there would not be a charge for transport for school refusers as this issue would be dealt with under a separate policy.


Resolved –


(1)          That the following School Transport policy clarifications be agreed:


·         Travel assistance entitlement meant an offer of a bus pass or school bus at a pickup point, with an expectation for active travel as part of a child’s healthy development;

·         Clarification of the exceptional circumstances appropriate evidence required to access any exceptional additional support in addition to travel assistance;

·         That parents were liable for costs incurred by Brighter Futures for Children on behalf of Reading Borough Council if children did not access travel assistance provided;

·         That students were not entitled to travel assistance post-16 except in appropriately evidenced exceptional circumstances.


(2)          That School Transport policy changes to remove free transport entitlement for pupils attending Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge School be agreed.


(3)          That transitional protections be in place for the next three academic years to support previously eligible pupils, including pupils starting at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge School in September 2024 be agreed.


(4)          That officers ensure that families who would continue to qualify for transport (due to distance to their nearest suitable school, and families who did not have a safe walking route to the school), were supported to apply for ongoing transport assistance in the coming academic year be agreed.


(5)          That officer engagement with the Department for Education and Oxfordshire County Council to request an update on school place plans for South Oxfordshire, and offers to assist in the planning process regarding South Oxfordshire schools, to further support Reading families be noted.

Supporting documents: