Agenda item

Caversham Independent Learning Review Report and Action Plan

The Committee will receive a report on the Caversham Independent Learning Review and action plan.


The Committee received a report on the Caversham Independent Learning Review and associated action plan.  Attached at Appendix 1 was the Caversham Independent Learning Review Action Plan and at Appendix 2 the Reading Borough Council response to the Ofsted Big Listen.


The report explained that following the HM Coroner inquest into the death of Ruth Perry which had concluded on 7th of December 2023. The HM Coroner had published a Prevention of future deaths report on 19 December 2023, requesting Department for Education, Ofsted, and Reading Borough Council to respond to identified matters of concern. The Committee had received a report at the meeting on 20 March 2024 confirming the work that had been undertaken with schools in response to the Coroner’s findings through the Education Partnership Board. One of the actions that Reading Borough Council had taken in response to the Coroner’s findings was to undertake a learning review. The report confirmed the completion of the Independent Learning Review and included the actions that had been taken as a result of the review.


The report also explained that one of the actions in the plan which had already been completed was for Reading Borough Council to submit a response to the national consultation undertaken by Ofsted on inspections and inspection practice, The Big Listen. The Reading Borough Council submission to Ofsted was appended to the report at Appendix 2. 


Steve Crocker and Brian Pope were at present at the meeting for the item and addressed the Committee and answered questions on the Independent Review.


Chris Tomkins also addressed the Committee on the item.


Resolved –


(1)          That the report regarding the Caversham Independent Learning Review be noted.


(2)          That the action plan and progress on actions be noted.


(3)          That confirmation from the Executive Director, Children’s Services that actions have been completed be received at a future Committee.

Supporting documents: