Agenda item

2024/25 First Quarter Performance Report - Planning & Building Control


The Committee received a report on the work and performance of the Planning Development Management team and Building Control team for the first quarter of 2024/2025 (April to June) with comparison to quarter one in the previous year.  The report focussed on planning and building control application processing performance and fee income.  It also explained the intention to increase pre-planning application fees, miscellaneous enquiry charges and building regulation application fees.


A verbal update was given at the meeting to provide information missing from Table 1b on miscellaneous fee income, to explain the process for the mid-year review of and decision to increase fees and to correct an error in the report regarding the resultant percentage increase.


Resolved -   


(1)          That the report be noted;


(2)          That the intention to implement a mid-year increase in pre-planning application fees, miscellaneous enquiry charges and building regulation application fees, using delegated powers to officers, be noted.

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