Proposal (240422) Variation of conditions 2, 3, 4, 7, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 & 48 and removal of conditions 29 & 30 of permission 221232 (dated 24/05/23 for various demolition works and redevelopment for reconfigured basement/ground floor uses, apart- hotel, various extensions and new-build elements, public courtyard and associated works), including reconfiguration of 5-15 (Odd) Queen Victoria St from 6 to 3 units at basement /ground floor level and rear dormer alterations at 3rd floor level, increase in rooms and provision of apart-hotel entrance on Queen Victoria St, remodelling of the extent of new-build elements at 145-146 Friar St, together with dormer and roof level changes, and various other associated works.
Recommendation Application permitted
Proposal (240404) Various internal and external works associated with Nos 147 and 148 Friar St and Nos 1 and 15 (odd) Queen Victoria St, including part-two, part-three storey rear extension to 5-15 (odd) Queen Victoria St, as part of redevelopment to provide reconfigured basement and ground floor uses on Friar St and Queen Victoria St frontages and proposed apart-hotel (Class C1) and on all upper floors.
Recommendation Application permitted
Variation of conditions 2, 3, 4, 7, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 & 48 and removal of conditions 29 & 30 of permission 221232 (dated 24/05/23 for various demolition works and redevelopment for reconfigured basement/ground floor uses, apart- hotel, various extensions and new-build elements, public courtyard and associated works), including reconfiguration of 5-15 (Odd) Queen Victoria St from 6 to 3 units at basement /ground floor level and rear dormer alterations at 3rd floor level, increase in rooms and provision of apart-hotel entrance on Queen Victoria St, remodelling of the extent of new-build elements at 145-146 Friar St, together with dormer and roof level changes, and various other associated works.
Various internal and external works associated with Nos 147 and 148 Friar St and Nos 1 and 15 (odd) Queen Victoria St, including part-two, part-three storey rear extension to 5-15 (odd) Queen Victoria St, as part of redevelopment to provide reconfigured basement and ground floor uses on Friar St and Queen Victoria St frontages and proposed apart-hotel (Class C1) and on all upper floors.
The Committee considered a report on the above applications. A verbal update was given at the meeting which explained that correspondence had been received from the applicant which addressed concerns raised by Environmental Protection regarding the non-submission of technical notes from the original authors of the air quality, mechanical and electrical services and noise and vibration impact assessment reports.
Comments and objections were received and considered.
Resolved –
(1) That application 240422/VARIAT for the variation and removal of conditions for permission 221232 be granted, with the amended and additional conditions and informatives recommended in the report;
(2) That listed building consent for application 240404/LBC be granted, subject to the conditions and informatives recommended in the report.
Supporting documents: