Agenda item

Wensley Road - Results of Statutory Consultation

A report informing the Sub-Committee of a minor alteration required to the proposals surrounding the site at Wensley Road  and of the objections that resulted from the statutory consultation.


Further to Minute 36 of the meeting held on 11 January 2024, the Sub-Committee received a report that informed them of a minor alteration required to the proposals surrounding the site at Wensley Road and of the objections that had resulted from the statutory consultation.  Objections to the proposals were set out in Appendix 1, a series of drawings were attached to the report at Appendices 2 to 6 and the proposed design was attached to the report at Appendix 7.

The report explained that the site at Wensley Road had been under construction for some time and was due to be completed in 2024 and the proposal, detailed in the report, consisted of the introduction of numerous changes surrounding the site.  The developer was carrying out the works required through the S278 Highway Works Agreement. 

The minor alterations required were as a result of a residential property having a dropped crossing installed that conflicted with the speed hump that was to be relocated.  An updated design had therefore been prepared that had changed the speed hump to a speed cushion and relocating the feature away from the dropped crossing.  Although this design was party to the consultation that had taken place officers had been advised by the Council’s Legal Team that the Sub-Committee needed to consider the minor change to the scheme and agree to a further Notice being advertised under section 90C of the Highway Act to formalise this change of location and type of speed reducing feature. 

Officers reported at the meeting that they had been in discussion with all the objectors and all objections had been resolved.

Resolved –

(1)        That the report be noted;

(2)        That having consider the objections noted in Appendix 1the proposals, as detailed in the report, be agreed;

(3)        That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to seal the resultant Traffic Regulation Order;

(4)        That respondents to the statutory consultation be informed of the decisions of the Sub-Committee accordingly, following publication of the agreed minutes of the meeting;

(5)        That the Highways and Traffic Services Manager, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport and Ward Councillors, be authorised to make minor alterations to the proposals as may be necessary;

(6)        That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to undertake statutory consultation/notification processes;

(7)        That subject to no objections being received, the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make the Traffic Regulation Order for the proposed scheme;

(8)        That any objection(s) received following the statutory advertisement be submitted to a future meeting;

(9)        That no public inquiry be held into the proposals.


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