To receive Mayor’s Announcements.
(a) Changes to Committee Memberships
I can confirm that the Monitoring Officer has exercised his delegation on the recommendation of the Green Group Leader to make the following changes to the membership of Committees:
(b) Former Councillor Jonny Morris
I would like to pay tribute to and remember one of our former councillors, Jonny Morris. Jonny was first elected to Reading Borough Council in 1996 and served until 2001. He was appointed as the Lead Councillor for Environmental & Consumer Affairs in 1999 and 2000 in the run-up to the adoption of the Cabinet-style executive arrangements by the Council in 2001. He was also the vice-chair of the Licensing Committee. He moved to Plymouth in 2003 and was also a member of that authority from 2013 until his retirement in 2022. Councillors please will you join me in standing for a minute’s silence in Jonny’s memory.