Agenda item

Reading Transport Strategy 2040 - Final for Adoption

Report by Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services.


Further to Minute 7 of the Strategic Environment, Planning & Transport Committee held on 27 June 2024, the Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the adoption of the Reading Transport Strategy 2040. The report set out the results of the latest statutory consultation and summarised the changes that had been made to the Strategy taking into account feedback that had been received during the consultation process. The report recommended the adoption of the final version of the Strategy as the new statutory Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the Borough.  A summary of the consultation responses was attached to the report at Appendix A and a final version of the Reading Transport Strategy 2040 was attached at Appendix B.

The following motion was moved by Councillor Ennis and seconded by Councillor Cross and CARRIED:

Resolved –

(1)        That the feedback that had been received through the statutory consultation on the Reading Transport Strategy 2040, and the subsequent amendments that had been made to the Strategy to incorporate that feedback as included at Appendix A to the report; be noted;

(2)          That the Strategic Environment, Transport and Planning Committee’s recommendation to approve adoption of the Reading Transport Strategy 2040, as included at Appendix B, as the new statutory Local Transport Plan for the borough for the period 2024-40, be agreed.

Supporting documents: