Agenda item

Traffic Regulation Order Rectification

Report by Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services.


The Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services submitted a report summarising the issues that had been discovered with the making of historic Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs), which had not been properly made and implemented and recommending officers undertake the necessary legislative processes to rectify the issues to ensure enforceability of the restrictions.  The report outlined details of those TROs which needed to be rectified.  The rectification process would involve consultation, consideration of objections and then confirming whether the order would or would not be made.  Since the errors had come to light, officers had been working to confirm where they had occurred and had started work on the process to bring forward new TROs. 

The following motion was moved by Councillor Ennis and seconded by Councillor Lanzoni and CARRIED:

Resolved –

(1)        That the content of the report be noted;

(2)        That the Assistant Director of Environment and Commercial Services be authorised, in consultation with the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services, to undertake a statutory consultation for the proposals contained within paragraph 3.9 and Appendix 1 of the report, in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 and subject to there being no objections received following the statutory consultation, to arrange for the order to be made and sealed so the restrictions could be implemented;

(3)        That the Assistant Director of Environment and Commercial Services be authorised to make minor amendments to any of the proposals if required prior to the implementation of any of the traffic regulation orders, in consultation with the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services, the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport and the Chair of the Traffic Management Sub Committee;

(4)        That, should any of the schemes receive objection(s) during the statutory consultation period, the Acting Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services, the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport and the Chair of the Traffic Management Sub Committee, to consider and make an officer decision regarding implementation, or otherwise, of each Traffic Regulation Order;

(5)        That decisions regarding the outcomes for each Traffic Regulation Order be reported to a future meeting of the Traffic Management Sub-Committee.

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