This report provides an update on Reading Museum successes and seeks approval of the Reading Museum Access Policy 2025-2030.
The Committee considered a report that provided an update on progress made by the Museum Service in several areas that were part of the Museum’s Forward Plan that had been approved by the Committee on 6 July 2021 (Minute 14 refers). The progress included successfully widening access through in person and digital engagement, work with schools, outreach into community spaces and the award of Museum of Sanctuary status. The report sought approval of the Reading Museum Access Policy 2025-2030, (attached at Appendix 1) which was a requirement of the Accreditation Standard for UK Museums and would allow the policy to be included in the Museum’s Forward Plan which would be submitted to the Committee in March 2025.
The report set out details of the key access activities and achievements across the nine Access Policy themes: Consultation and audiences, Community links and outreach, Premises, Collections, Information (including online access), Learning and programming, Customer care, Staff and training and Financial access.
The report explained that a review of the current Access Policy had been undertaken and only minor factual changes had been required to ensure that the Policy conformed to requirements and was fit for purpose going forward. These changes included an updated section 3 to reflect changes to the local and national policy context, the removal of references to actions required after Covid lockdowns in section 4, revision of 5.5 to reflect revised provision in basic English and adding reference to RBC’s new Inclusion & Diversity Strategy in 5.8. The Reading Museum Access Policy 2025-2030 would ensure that the Museum continued to meet the Accreditation standard for UK Museums and could use the embedded principles to support future gallery developments, ensuring that access to the nationally significant collections at the Museum were broadened as much as possible and in line with updated priorities and thinking.
Resolved -
(1) That the successes of making the Museum and its collections inclusive and accessible to Reading’s communities, including over 18,500 school students annually participating in its learning programmes, its acclaimed Windrush partnership exhibitions and the Museums Partnership Reading (MPR) Museum on Wheels outreach programme be noted;
(2) That the recent success in becoming a Museum of Sanctuary, recognising its commitment to the City of Sanctuary UK vision to ensure that it was a welcoming place of safety for all, be noted;
(3) That the Reading Museum Access Policy 2025-2030 be approved, to ensure that it continued to meet the Accreditation standard for UK Museums;
(4) That the Museum’s commitment to maximising inclusive public access and identified how this would be achieved across the Service be noted.
Supporting documents: