This report provides an review of progress made by the Library Service since 2021, an update on the Central Library Project and recommends that the Toy Library be relocated to Palmer Park Leisure Centre and Stadium.
The Committee received a report which reviewed the progress made by the Library Service since the strategic priorities had been approved by the Committee on 10 November 2021 (Minute 23 refers). Substantial progress had been made to develop the Service, alongside two large grant funding awards, and record levels of income. New services had been introduced, the budget had been maintained and increasing numbers of residents were using our services. The report also provided an update on the Central Library project and recommended the relocation of the Toy Library to Palmer Park Leisure Centre & Stadium.
The report set out achievements against the five strategic priorities: supporting our communities as we recovered from the pandemic, helping children and young people, improving access to online services, supporting improvements in health, wellbeing and literacy and bringing arts, culture and heritage into library spaces.
The report explained that the Central Library project aimed to provide an updated facility, with provision of books, ICT and work study space, much better provision for children and improved toilets and security compared to the existing library. The design for the library had now been agreed following feedback received during consultation and would be shared soon.
The report also explained that, following feedback on the Central Library consultation, the Library Service had investigated the future of the provision of the Toy Library. The report proposed that the Toy Library be relocated to space at Palmer Park Leisure Centre and Stadium. This would provide:
· A better service with better access and collection for customers, particularly when borrowing larger items;
· A further opportunity for students within the Reading College Lifeskills Faculty, in addition to the successful Palmer Park Library Partnership.
The report added that there would be no additional cost to the Service and that the aim was for the Toy Library to open in the new location in September 2025.
(1) That the progress made by the Library Service in line with the strategic priorities set in 2021, including the recovery in borrowing to pre Covid levels, linking of libraries into the Speech and Language Pathway, the new Service branding, new library app for customers, and improved digital device lending offer be noted;
(2) That the progress made to date with the new Central Library project be noted;
(3) That the Toy Library provision be moved to Palmer Park Leisure Centre & Stadium and the Assistant Director Culture in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Leisure and Culture be authorised to finalise arrangements for the move.
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