An update on Reading Festival 2024.
The Committee received a pre-recorded presentation from Festival Republic, who were unable to attend in person, which gave an update on the 2024 Reading Festival.
The presentation set out some of the successful initiatives which included the Assistance, Information and Response (AIR) Hubs, a ban on campfires, the various safeguarding schemes, and signage around the site. Festival Republic also reported on issues that had been experienced this year, including an increase in noise complaints, which had mostly been due to the sound system for the Chevron stage and been made worse by the windy conditions. Festival Republic had worked with Decathlon this year to encourage festival goers to return unwanted tents in exchange for a store voucher. Festival Republic reported on the headline figures for the event, including initiatives such as safety, zero waste and the Green Events Code of Practice.
The Committee discussed the presentation and raised further questions for Festival Republic to respond to when they attended the next meeting of the Committee to be held on 11 March 2025, including:
· How noise disturbance would be dealt with, given the increase in complaints this year;
· Encouraging festival goers to not abandon tents (although the Committee did acknowledge that there had been a significant number of tents that had been damaged due to the high winds at this year’s event);
· Noise clashes within the arena due to the location of the Chevron Stage;
· Provision of an exit to Oxford Road to allow access to local facilities;
· Front of House drugs testing was useful not only to check that any drugs were safe but also as a way to discourage drugs use in general;
· Key Performance Indicators could be used for measuring the effectiveness of welfare provision on site.
Resolved - That the presentation be noted and that Festival Republic attend the next meeting of the Housing, Neighbourhoods and Leisure Committee to be held on 11 March 2025.