Agenda item

Streetlighting Maintenance Contract 2-Year Extension


The Committee received a report which gave an update on the progress of the Council’s Streetlighting Maintenance programme using the Peterborough Council Framework Contract, as approved at Strategic Environment, Planning & Transport Committee on 7 July 2022 (Minute 12 refers). The report also sought delegated authority to extend the contract with Peterborough Council’s term maintenance contractor.

Section 3 of the report explained that the Council aimed to provide a streetlighting maintenance service to illuminate the public highway to provide a well-lit environment, reduce the fear of crime and support a sustainable highway network all year round. The Council was permitted to access the Peterborough Council Framework contract which ran to the end of March 2028. This framework enabled Reading to access their term maintenance contractor currently being provided by Milestone Infrastructure Limited who had supported the Council with updating our streetlighting asset inventory and responded to lighting maintenance requirements which met our statutory obligation to maintain our existing lighting assets on the public highway. The current contract rates would apply to the extended contract and remain in place until the annual inflation indexation on 1st April each year. The report proposed that the Council should continue to use the Peterborough Framework Contract for a further two-year period, providing time to prepare a full open tender for the maintenance of the Council’s streetlighting assets.


(1)        That the existing Framework Contract with Peterborough Council be extended for a further two-year period for the Maintenance of Reading’s Streetlighting assets effective 1 January 2025 until 31 December 2026;

(2)        That the existing short-term (up to two-years) contract with Peterborough Council’s term maintenance contractor be extended, in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Rules & Public Contracts Regulations 2015;

(3)        That the Executive Director for Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Environmental Services and Community Safety, the Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services and the Director of Finance be authorised to enter into relevant contracts required to extend the Streetlighting Maintenance Service contract, as per section 3 of the report.

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