Agenda item


To receive a presentation on Tackling Knife Crime by Thames Valley Police.


Sarah Godsmark and Penny Jones, Thames Valley Police, gave a presentation updating the Committee on the progress that was being made to tackle knife crime in Reading.

Sarah Godsmark explained that knife crime in the Thames Valley, and within Reading, had decreased over the last 12 months.  This was due to a number of initiatives including week-long programmes, provision of knife surrender bins, knife sweeps and test purchases.

One of the main initiatives had been for the Schools Officers to work closely with schools and young people to educate them about knife crime.  This included placing notices in and around the schools, and taking knife arches and drug sniffer dogs into the school environment.  The Boxing Clever Scheme had also been successfully introduced. This scheme gave children and young people a chance to learn boxing from professional coaches after school, helped to boost their self-esteem, encouraged discipline and contributed to keeping them off the street and away from criminal activity.

Resolved:     That the presentation be noted.