Agenda item

Implementation of Audit Recommendations Tracker

This report sets out a summary of those high and medium risk Internal Audit recommendations which remain outstanding together with an updated management response.


Further to Minute 8 of the meeting held on 1 August 2018, Jackie Yates, Director of Resources, submitted a report setting out, at Appendix 1, the Implementation of Audit Recommendations tracker report.


The report explained that each recommendation was marked with a percentage complete which correlated to a red/amber/green rating (up to 25% complete: red, between 26% and 75%: amber, over 75% complete: green).  Any recommendations that were less than 50% complete but had exceeded their agreed completion date were also marked red.  In the tracker report at Appendix 1 there were 106 high and medium risk recommendations from Internal Audit, of which 44 (42%) were currently green, 19 (18%) were amber and 43 (41%) were red.  This was a significant improvement on the previously reported position on 1 August 2018.


Due to the lack of information available on the Foster Care recommendations at the previous meeting, the Service Manager responsible for Foster Care, Jackie Hooper attended the meeting to explain progress on implementing those recommendations.




(1)            That the high and medium risk Internal Audit recommendations and the responses to those risks be noted as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;


(2)       That a written update be provided to members of the Committee on the progress made so far to implement the audit recommendations in relation to Foster Care and a further report be submitted to the Committee, in the New Year once the Foster Care Handbook had been updated in accordance with Audit Recommendation 45, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

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