Agenda item


This report seeks approval of the draft updated Private Sector Renewal & Disabled Adaptations Policy for consultation, with the final report and policy being presented to Policy Committee in February 2020.


The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report which sought approval of the draft updated Private Sector Renewal & Disabled Adaptations Policy for consultation.  The Council’s Monitoring Officer had advised that, due to the General Election being called for 12 December 2019, the start of the consultation should be delayed until January 2020, with the final report being submitted to the Housing, Neighbourhoods and Leisure Committee on 11 March 2020, rather than Policy Committee on 17 February 2020 as originally stated in the report.  A copy of the Policy was attached to the report at Appendix A.

The report explained that the Private Sector Renewal & Disabled Adaptations Policy related to the Private Sector only, and that there was a separate Council Housing Adaptations Policy.  The updates to the Policy would enable the Council to deliver Housing Assistance and Disabled Adaptations in the private sector in a person-centred and outcome-focused way.  The updated Policy met the objectives of the Better Care Fund, to increase the uptake of Disabled Facilities Grants and work collaboratively with health and social care colleagues.  It was anticipated that the Policy would enable a more proportionate and responsive service, delaying hospital admissions, falls or moves to residential or nursing homes.  The measures would further support care and support services to actively promote wellbeing and independence, and would enable early intervention, thereby avoiding crisis intervention.

The following discretionary grants would be offered as part of the updated Policy:

·                Health & Wellbeing at Home Grant;

·                Discretionary Professional Fees Grant;

·                Discretionary Accommodation Fees Grant;

·                Amended Relocation Grant;

·                Disabled Facilities Grant Top up.

Resolved:      That the draft Private Sector Renewal and Disabled Adaptations Policy be approved for consultation, with the final Policy being presented to Housing, Neighbourhoods and Leisure Committee on 11 March 2020.

Supporting documents: