Agenda item

Results of Statutory Consultation - Reversal of One-Way System on Silchester Road and Faircross Road

A report informing the Sub-Committee of comments and objections received to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order, which proposed the reversal of the one-way system on Silchester Road and Faircross Road.


The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report informing the Sub-Committee of comments and objections that had been received to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order, which proposed the reversal of the one-way system on Silchester Road and Faircross Road.  The objections, supportive statements and comments that had been received during the consultation period were attached to the report at Appendix 1.

The report explained that to avoid peak-time traffic on a section of the A4 Bath Road, and the eastbound bus gate on Southcote Lane, a significant number of motorists were using Silchester Road and Faircross Road to access Southcote Lane.  They were turning left onto the road and making a U-turn in the junction with Fawley Road, so that they could re-join the A4 Bath Road further to the east.  It had therefore been proposed that to stop this ‘rat-running’ and turning movements was to reverse the one-way directions of Silchester Road and Faircross Road.  The ‘left-turn only’ restriction from Faircross Road onto Southcote Lane and ‘no-entry’ from Southcote Lane onto Faircross Road would be revoked, with a ‘no-entry’ from Circuit Lane onto Silchester Road and from Silchester Road onto Faircross Road also being proposed.

Reversing the one-way direction of Silchester Road and Faircross Road would remove the ability for traffic to bypass the Southcote Lane bus gate and proceed towards the town centre.  It had been acknowledged that changing the one-way directions would require those wishing to access Southcote Lane in the morning by private motor vehicle, to do so via its eastern end, at the roundabout with the A4 Bath Road.  Residents of Silchester Road and Faircross Road wishing to travel eastbound would also be required to join the A4 Bath Road via Circuit Lane during the times at which the Southcote Lane bus gate was operational.

Resolved -

(1)     That the report be noted;

(2)     That having considered the comments and objections noted in Appendix 1, attached to the report, the Traffic Regulation Order proposing reversal of the one-way system on Silchester Road and Faircross Road be rejected;

(3)     That transport officers be asked to arrange a meeting with representatives of Southcote Primary School to consider alternative measures to deal with congestion around the school and inconsiderate parking during pick-up and drop-off times;

(4)     That the objectors be informed of the decision of the Sub-Committee, following publication of the meeting minutes.

Supporting documents: