Agenda item

Cedar Court and the Maples Day Centre Catering

An information report providing the Committee with an update on the progress made to provide catering to Cedar Court and The Maples.


The Director of Adult Care and Health Services submitted a report providing the Committee with an update on the progress made to provide catering to Cedar Court and the Maples.

The report stated that after the previous catering contract, that had been fulfilled by White Oaks (part of the Compass Group) had come to an end on 30 April 2018, the Council had entered into a contract with a micro-business, Constant Catering Services (CCS), to provide catering to Cedar Court Extra Care scheme and The Maples Day Service.  This company was owned and run by the previous head chef at Cedar Court.  The service provided was largely unchanged from that that had been provided by the previous contractor and therefore, as far as possible, fulfilled the wishes of the residents for there to be no change to the service that was provided.  The contract with CCS represented excellent value for money compared to other options that had been explored, or to provide support in the absence of any service.  An agreed sum of £10,000 had been paid to CCS for the contract, that was due to expire on 30 April 2019, to assist with start-up costs.  At the expiry of the contract the service was expected to be self-sufficient requiring no further funding or input from the Council.

Catering services at Oak Tree House Extra Care scheme were now provided by another micro-business (owned by the previous head chef at this scheme) that had been arranged by Catalyst Housing as the landlord at this scheme.  The Council’s only involvement had been to ensure that this service would provide residents with access to food seven days a week.  There was no ongoing involvement from the Council.

The report explained that the services had commenced on 1 May 2018 so that residents at Cedar Court and service users at The Maples did not receive any break in service.  Residents and visitors to Cedar Court had continued to receive the option of a two course hot meal seven days a week and people living at The Maples had continued to receive a hot meal, hot boxed to the service, on each operating day (Monday to Friday).  CCS provided an additional service of transporting the meals that had been cooked at Cedar Court to The Maples, a service which had been previously provided by a taxi company for an additional cost.  People who accessed the service had been informed of minor changes to the service, including changes to the tariff, and no objections had been raised in respect of the changes.  During the first week of the new service Commissioners had contacted colleagues from Cedar Court and The Maples for feedback on the transition and there had been no problems at either location.  Commissioners had also visited Cedar Court on 3 August 2018 and had met with the Sheltered Housing Officer and Director of CCS and it had been clear that CCS were continually striving to improve the service to ensure it remained sustainable.  CCS had implemented a system whereby those who ate at the restaurant regularly paid monthly upfront and by doing this they were entitled to two free Sunday meals each month.  The Director of CCS had reported that everything was going smoothly, including invoicing The Maples and those who were supported by the Deputies Office.  The Director had also discussed plans to expand the business and was in the process of considering tenders for other catering services.


Resolved –    That the report be noted.

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