Agenda item

Parking Conditions in the Marlborough Avenue and Elmhurst Road Area

A report informing the Sub-Committee of the details of the question asked by Cllr Jones, as Redlands ward Councillor, at the November meeting of the Sub-Committee to give consideration to parking conditions in the Malborough Avenue and Elmhurst Road area with some suggestions for changing the current waiting restrictions, and also giving consideration of the solutions offered for further action.


The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report informing the Sub-Committee of the details of the question that had been asked by Councillor Jones at the previous meeting and gave consideration of the solutions that had been offered for future action.

The report explained that changes within Malborough Avenue to extend the shared use period to the typical model used across the Borough, 8am to 8pm Monday to Sunday, would require statutory advertisement.  Any changes to the double yellow line and extending resident permit parking bays would also require the Council to follow statutory process.  To bring about any change for residents as quickly as possible it was proposed to advertise the 8am to 8pm Monday to Sunday restriction within the next waiting restriction review from March 2020.  The waiting restriction review had been established to offer the very best value for money by using both staff and funding resources in the most efficient way.  It was possible that the changes to the permit times met the expectation of residents and further changes were not necessary.  To carry out statutory process outside of the established programme would require funding and possibly additional staff time; the cost of statutory advertisement had been estimated at £2,500 outside of the programme and the cost of changes applied to street (for signing) had been estimated at £1,800.

Changes to the tariff in Elmhurst Road were not recommended at this time but would be carried out as part of the annual tariff review in June 2020.  However, as had been offered in Pepper Lane the Council would be able to offer discounted parking by phone.  This would require the user to register an account and could be managed to ensure the integrity of the original scheme was maintained.

Resolved –    That the report be noted.

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