Agenda item

Senior Management Structure Proposal


The Chief Executive submitted a report to agree next steps in developing senior management capacity in light of two upcoming retirements and the changing needs of the Council.  A copy of the current senior management structure was attached to the report at Appendix 1, a copy of the proposed senior management structure was attached at Appendix 2 and the draft role profiles were attached to the report at Appendix 3.

The report detailed the changes at directorate level for Resources, Environment and Neighbourhood Services and Adults and explained that three existing Directors would be refocused as Executive Directors but that the number of Directors would remain the same.  Two new Deputy Director posts would be created for the Directorate of Social Care and Health and the Directorate of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services.  Heads of Service would be refocused as Assistant Directors.

Resolved –

(1)     That the senior management structure, set out at Appendix 2, attached to the report, be approved in principle, subject to the outcome of consultation with the staff affected by the proposals and the Trade Unions;

(2)     That pending the outcome of the consultation exercise, the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Leader of the Opposition, be delegated authority to oversee its implementation.

Supporting documents: