The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report which explained that, normally, the report would accompany a list of sites where, due to the sensitive or important nature of the proposals, Councillors were advised that a site visit might be appropriate before the meeting of the next Committee (or at a future date) and to confirm how the visit would be arranged. It stated that, with the current measures to enforce social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic, it would not be appropriate for officers to recommend that Councillors make any site visits for the time being.
It was explained at the meeting that, where appropriate, officers would circulate a combination of photographs and video footage to Councillors in place of site visits prior to applications being considered at the Committee.
Resolved -
That no site visits take place until the current social distancing measures were lifted and, where appropriate, officers circulate information to Councillors in place of site visits.
Supporting documents: