Proposal |
Removal of the existing 15m mast and erection of a new 25m lattice tower with a total of 12No. antenna (6No. EE and 6No. Huawei) along with ancillary equipment mounted on a newly formed concrete foundation measuring 5.5m x 5.6m. The existing site compound would be retained and enlarged by a further 6.6m to an overall size of 13.2m x 6.6m all enclosed by a 2.5m high Palisade fence to match that of the existing. |
Recommendation |
Application Permitted |
Removal of the existing 15m mast and erection of a new 25m lattice tower with a total of 12No. antenna (6No. EE and 6No. Huawei) along with ancillary equipment mounted on a newly formed concrete foundation measuring 5.5m x 5.6m. The existing site compound would be retained and enlarged by a further 6.6m to an overall size of 13.2m x 6.6m all enclosed by a 2.5m high Palisade fence to match that of the existing.
Comments and objections were received and considered.
The Committee requested that more information on the planning context of 5G masts, including on international guidelines for public exposure to non-ionising radiation and how these were enacted, be provided for a future meeting.
Resolved –
(1) That consideration of application 200339/FUL be deferred, in order to obtain more information on the visual impact of the new structure on the surrounding area and to allow discussions with the applicant on how this impact might be mitigated and whether they would be agreeable to a pre-commencement condition to achieve this amelioration;
(2) That an information report be prepared for a future meeting of the Committee on the planning context of 5G masts, including on information on how international guidelines for public exposure to non-ionising radiation were enacted.
Supporting documents: