Agenda item

191757/HOU - 10 Pegs Green Close


Two storey side/rear extensions and single storey front entrance porch, loft conversion with new dormer window and two Velux windows 


Application Permitted



Two storey side/rear extension and single storey front and rear extensions, loft conversion with new dormer window and two Velux windows.

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application.  An update report was tabled at the meeting that gave details of planning conditions and an amended plan received (appended to the update report).  It also addressed five statements of objection received from local residents and one statement received from the applicant, in lieu of public speaking, and copies of the statements were appended to the update report.  The recommendation had been amended to remove condition 4 as a result of receipt of the amended plan.

Comments and objections were received and considered.

Resolved –


That application 191757/FUL be refused for the following reasons:

(1)      By virtue of the prominent position of the application site within the street the combined width of the proposed two-storey side extension and large proportions of the proposed porch would have the cumulative effect of appearing out of scale with and not subservient to the design and proportions of the main house.  This would have a harmful effect on the character and appearance of the street and by reducing the gap at the side would introduce a terracing effect in a street characterised by semi-detached properties.  This would be contrary to policies CC7 (Design and the Public Realm) and Policy H9 (House Extensions) of the Reading Borough Local Plan 2019;

(2)      The size, scale and position of the proposed two-storey rear extension would fail to appear as a suitable subservient addition to the host building by dominating the appearance of the rear of the house and would have an overbearing impact on adjacent neighbours and would harm their outlook contrary to policies CC8 (Safeguarding Amenities) and Policy H9 (House Extensions) of the Reading Borough Local Plan 2019.

Supporting documents: