Agenda item

200061/FUL - The Abbey School, Kendrick Road


Erection of a new dining hall  with green roof over the existing courtyard, rooftop extension to the 6th Form block to provide a new common room, extension to the south-east to provide additional classroom space and a new study area for the 6th Form block, reconfiguration of hard landscaped area to remove 1 of 4 netball courts, move existing flood lighting, relocate existing 6th form parking and enhance the frontage of the 6th form building.


Application Permitted



Erection of a new dining hall with green roof over the existing courtyard, rooftop extension to the 6th Form block to provide a new common room, extension to the south-east to provide additional classroom space and a new study area for the 6th Form block, reconfiguration of hard landscaped area to remove 1 of 4 netball courts, move existing flood lighting, relocate existing 6th form parking and enhance the frontage of the 6th form building.


The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application.  An update report was tabled at the meeting which set out clarification on the glazing proposed to the 6th Form rooftop extension and on the proposed green roof and separate roof garden.  The report also gave an update on light levels and parking arrangements and set out corrections to the original report.  An additional condition regarding a Landscape and Ecology Management Plan was recommended.


Comments were received and considered.


Resolved –    That planning permission for application 200061/FUL be granted, subject to the conditions and informatives as recommended in the original report, with the additional condition and the amendment to the materials condition to specify glazing details to be approved as recommended in the update report.

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