A report providing the Sub-Committee with a progress update on the Waiting Restriction Review Programme.
The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing the Sub-Committee with a progress update on the Waiting Restriction Review Programme.
The report explained that the Waiting Restriction Review Programme provided an opportunity for requests for new, or changes to existing, waiting restrictions on the Highway to be reported to the Sub-Committee with the potential for these requests to be investigated and progressed toward delivery. The programmes had several key stages, some being procedural and some being statutory. There had been two Waiting Restriction Review Programmes per year, typically commencing at the meetings in March (the ‘A’ programme) and September (the ‘B’ programme). A typical timeline was set out in the report.
Recommendations for the 2019B programme had been reported to the Sub-Committee in January 2020 (Minute 38 refers). However, the Sub-Committee had requested amendments to the recommendations, which had necessitated further investigation by officers, design work and the approval of amended proposals at a future meeting. At the March 2020 meeting (Minute 52 refers) officers had submitted the amended recommendations which the Sub-Committee had agreed could progress to statutory consultation. However, officers had highlighted that the decisions that had been agreed at the January 2020 meeting had delayed the 2019B programme development and that this had meant that the 2020A programme had not started from the March 2020 meeting as had been intended. The implications of the Covid-19 pandemic had delayed the ability of the Council to conduct the statutory consultation for the 2019B programme and, as a result, officers intended to conduct this consultation over the summer and submit the results to the meeting in September 2020 when the next programme would also commence and would essentially be the 2020B programme, with the A programme timelines having passed. This would bring the programme back into alignment with the typical stages.
The Sub-Committee discussed the report and asked that they be sent a list of what was outstanding as a reminder.
Resolved –
(1) That the report be noted;
(2) That the original list of requests be sent to the members of the Sub-Committee by officers.
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