This report proposes that the Council adopt a Social Value Policy to provide a framework for commissioners and contract managers across the Council setting out how to derive social value from procurement and contract management activity, as well as provide clarity for suppliers on how it will be measured, together with key areas of interest.
The Executive Director of Resources submitted a report seeking approval for a proposed Social Value Policy. Attached to the report at Appendix 1 was the National TOMs (Themes, Outcomes, Measures) overview and at Appendix 2 the draft Social Value Policy.
The report noted that the Council wanted to ensure best value from all its procurement and contracts, including the attainment of social value which supported the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities and added value to Reading residents. To provide a framework for commissioners and contract managers across the Council setting out how to derive social value from procurement and contract management activity, as well as provide clarity for suppliers on how it would be measured, together with key areas of interest, it was proposed that the Council adopt a Social Value Policy. The draft proposed for adoption was attached to the report at Appendix 2.
The report explained that the draft Policy was not intended to define priorities for social value in absolute terms as it needed to be relevant and proportionate to the contract being let. However, it was expected that social value sought would be in line with the Council’s corporate priorities and Corporate Plan. Additionally, in response to Covid, support for skills, employment and digital inclusion were included as a theme. The report outlined how it was intended to measure and monitor the social value obtained to ensure that the desired outcomes were being delivered.
Resolved –
That the draft Social Value Policy as attached at Appendix 2, together with the proposed approach to obtaining and measuring social value as outlined in the report, be agreed.
Supporting documents: