This report informs the Committee of the final recommendations of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England Review published on 29 September 2020, and the anticipated timetable for the making of an Order bringing the results of the Review into effect.
Further to Minutes 20 and 38 of the meetings of Policy Committee on 15 July and 26 September 2019, and Minute 27 of full Council on 4 November 2019, the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer submitted a report to inform the Committee of the final recommendations of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) review published on 29 September 2020, which were attached to the report at Appendix 1.
The report noted that the LGBCE had been undertaking an electoral review of the Council in its 2019-20 programme, because the 2017 canvass had showed over 30% of the authority’s current wards (5 out of 16) had a variance greater than 10% from the authority’s average ratio of electors. The LGBCE had accepted the authority’s submission, agreed by Policy Committee on 15 July 2019, that the authority continue to have elections by thirds, and that the number of Councillors be increased from 46 to 48, representing 16 three-member wards across the Borough, in recognition of the significant projected growth in the Borough’s electorate.
The following stage of the review had been a public consultation on warding patterns, and the full Council meeting of 4 November 2019 had agreed the authority’s submission. The LGBCE had then commenced its consultation on its Draft Recommendations on 4 February 2020. It had received comments from one Borough MP, one Councillor, three local political parties, five local community organisations, and 20 local residents. The LGBCE had issued its Final Recommendations on 29 September 2020 which were attached to the report. They provided for a Council of 48 Members, representing 16 three-member wards, all elected by thirds. The new warding arrangements would come into effect from May 2022, when all-out elections for all 16 wards would be held.
Resolved –
(1) That the Final Recommendations of the LGBCE dated September 2020 on the new electoral arrangements for the Council, be noted;
(2) That the Returning Officer be authorised to take all necessary action to implement the new electoral arrangements in May 2022, including reviewing polling district boundaries and polling places.
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